MiniDisc Logo

Version 0.61 beta
17th April, 2004

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This page contains detailed descriptions of each of the files that MiniDisc uses to record your configuration.

These descriptions are of a technical nature, and are unlikely to be of much use to the average user, unless you have been directed here either by me, or from information found in the manual.

Accessing your configuration files
Your MiniDisc configuration files are all stored in a 'Choices' directory. This directory will either be a subdirectory of the !MiniDisc application directory, or if you have a machine with the new Boot directory structure, then it will probably be called ‘!Boot.Choices.MiniDisc‘.
diro You can gain access to your configuration files easily by clicking on the 'Open Choices Directory' button that appears at the bottom of the Choices window which will open a filer window on the appropriate directory for you.

Show me the good stuff...
Generally, you will most-likely be interested in either the Startup / Exit scripts , FilerApps or IgnoreFS sections.

The Shortcuts section may be useful if you wish to convert another programs configuration for use with MiniDisc. (There are a number of conversion utilities planned to do this for you, but they are likely to be some way off at this time.)
(Shortcuts are best configured using the WYSIWYG 'Shortcuts Builder' utility.)

The description of the Choices file is included for completeness.
(Again, your MiniDisc choices are best altered using the main MiniDisc configuration windows.)

Whats missing?
As is always the case, this page is still under construction. This means that the information held here is probbably incomplete, and very likely to be out-of-date (as a result of continuing MiniDisc development). However, it is a good a starting point for understanding the insides of how MiniDisc is configured.

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Start / Exit Scripts

MiniDisc Startup and Exit scripts are standard RISC OS Obey files which will be executed (you've guessed it) when MiniDisc starts and quits.


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(Brief outline of the purpose / use of this file(s))


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(Brief outline of the purpose / use of this file(s))


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In the event that you have a Filing system installed in your machine that completely fails to interact with MiniDisc correctly, place the name of that filing system (eg. ‘ADFS‘) in a text file and save it with the name ‘IgnoreFS‘ in the MiniDisc choices directory.

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(Brief outline of the purpose / use of this file(s))


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(Brief outline of the purpose / use of this file(s))


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